Located in the small town of San Sebastián Bernal; one hour drive from the city of Querétaro, where Hotel FUJITAYA is located. It is the third largest monolith in the world, better known as "La Peña de Bernal".

Despite its majestic size, it is possible to do both hiking and climbing on the steepest part of the monolith itself. To reach the top, it is essential to use specialized climbing equipment and to have a guide. However, you can walk a large part of it without equipment through the trails that surround it and this is the most used route by visitors in general.
It is recommended to wear comfortable clothes that allow you to make the route without complications, due to its rocky and irregular terrain; there are parts of the route where you can use ropes to move around. Likewise, it is preferable to use climbing or sport shoes for better grip and comfort. You can also visit the traditional Pueblo Mágico of "Bernal" which is located at the foot of the great monolith, where you can find souvenir stores and handicrafts of the region. Accompanied by a gastronomy that, together with the picturesque colonial facades, give a unique atmosphere to the streets. At the time, the cost for access to the "Peña de Bernal" was $30.00 MXN per person; entering through a simple gate that is the beginning of the exciting road to reach the top. On the way up, it is possible that some of its visitors may get out of breath, due to the fact that it is located at 2,500 meters above sea level. Where you can run with the fortune of receiving the shelter of the cloudy clouds of the season that cushion the usual heat of the region.

During the journey to the top of the Peña, there are areas where you can sit and rest under the shade of a tree and if you like, take a refreshing drink that is usually sold by local merchants. At this time one can marvel at the extensive landscape that extends around; allowing one to get to know the local flora that is mostly composed of varieties of cactus and semi-desert plants, which can be difficult to appreciate in other parts of the world. A landscape that can be relaxing with its mountains on the horizon and below surrounded by plains, the town of Bernal. The best part is that visitors are not obligated to do the entire tour, so they can return at any time they consider convenient.

For those who like to recharge their spiritual energies, this destination is a must visit, since it is also famous in Mexico for being a very strong "energy point"; according to comments from visitors who come in search of mystical energy. And, as if that were not enough, there are also frequent sightings of "UFOs" in the surrounding area. Also for those who love to experience nature, they can experience a unique feeling by simply standing at the foot of the great monolith and letting it fill their hearts with an exhausting but satisfying feeling after having climbed.
Don't forget that, when you descend from the Peña, it doesn't mean that the tour is over, because you will still have to visit the various handicraft stores that you will find at the beginning to reach the entrance of the trail to climb the Peña. You can discover a great variety of articles, from magnets with landscapes of the town, to rocks and minerals that the sellers assure that they bring energetic power with them (referring to the spiritual energetic point that can be the Peña de Bernal).

To finish the tour, it is advisable to pass through the center of the village. Where you will find the old church and its "central garden". A good place to taste the delicious sweet cheese breads or enjoy an ice cream. It can be said that there is a lot to do and see when visiting the "Peña de Bernal". An experience that is recommended for all those who visit the city of Queretaro.
Remember that you can visit this unmissable place, leaving from the comfort of the FUJITAYA Hotel. With the complete tranquility of traveling to the destination and returning to the Hotel, after enjoying 3 hours of exploration and climbing in the "Pueblo Mágico de Bernal". For more information, we invite you to consult our "TOURS" section in our website fujitaya.mx
